Aceto d'Origini - Vinegar of Origini

Aceto d'Origini was made from grapes harvested in 2018 in the ancient vineyards trained "alla maggiorina" and processed at the Acetaia Asì delle Langhe, owned by Agriturismo CasaMatilda in Dogliani, through the traditional method known as Orleans. A process that derives its name from the French town that became a small capital of vinegar production in the second half of the 19th century. This valuable artisanal technique, involves the slow acetification of wine, left for at least two years at room temperature in contact with oxygen, in drained casks and in the presence of the Acetobacter mother culture. This method requires excellent and defect-free raw material, extreme care and patience in production techniques to achieve the evolution of the wine's colors, aromas and flavors into vinegar of the highest quality. The Vinegar is not filtered so it is normal to notice a small sediment at the bottom of the bottle. The result is therefore a noble product that is quite different from the prevailing industrial production of wine vinegar, based on waste raw materials and rapid induced fermentations with micro-oxygenations and temperature control.

Origini is a uncooked vinegar with important acetic acidity 8.5%, bright red color, intense aroma and strong flavor. A versatile vinegar in its use in cooking: to season all kinds of salads, omelettes, and perfect in combination with grilled meats.

250ml bottle


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